Online Space for the Voices of North Korean Defector Women.

Online Platform Amplifying North Korean Women's rights: A Global Advocacy Initiative with International Communities.

What is the main purpose of this platform?

This platform aims to bring the voices of North Korean women's human rights victims to the international community, raise awareness about the human rights situation in North Korea through their experiences and testimonies, and support global advocacy activities. We aim to contribute to improving human rights by clarifying victim-centered responsibilities and providing information on various topics.

What kind of content does the platform offer?

The platform provides various types of visual materials and data visualizations, including direct testimonies and stories from North Korean female victims, videos, photos, and AI-based multimedia content. This allows users to better understand and empathize with the human rights situation in North Korea.

How can I join or contribute to the platform?

Individuals or organizations can participate in campaigns offered by the platform, or support through volunteering or donations. It is also very helpful to share content from the platform on social media and participate in related discussions to raise awareness about women's human rights issues in North Korea.

What languages is the platform's content available in?

The content of the platform is translated and provided in 3 languages: English, Spanish, and Korean. This is to make it easy for users from different countries and cultures to access and understand.

What is the impact of this platform on the international community?

This platform raises the international community's awareness of North Korean women's human rights issues and contributes to meaningful discussions and decisions at important international events such as the upcoming United Nations China UPR Plenary Session and North Korea UPR Plenary Session. The platform helps stakeholders take action based on more accurate and in-depth information.

I broke up with my family 10 years ago. While trying to escape North Korea, my parents were arrested, and I was left alone. I would like to share the grief and hope of separated families like me through this platform.
Food shortages were a big part of our daily lives. Finding food for my family was an everyday struggle. I want to share my story here and raise awareness about North Korea's food issues.
The discrimination I experienced as a woman in North Korea affected every aspect of my life. Restrictions on women's roles and opportunities have suppressed my dreams and possibilities. Through this platform, we want to discuss women's roles and rights and pursue change.
I broke up with my family 10 years ago. While trying to escape North Korea, my parents were arrested, and I was left alone. I would like to share the grief and hope of separated families like me through this platform.
My experience in a labor camp completely changed my life. The forced labor and horrible treatment cannot be described in words. I would like to share my experience here and call international attention to the human rights situation in North Korea
I was persecuted for political reasons, and eventually decided to leave North Korea. It was a dangerous journey, but my commitment to freedom was unbreakable. I would like to share the reality of the North Korean defection process through this platform.